
Showing posts from May, 2021

5 Stages Of Sports Injury Rehabilitation With Physio

  Injuries are common in sports. The severity of them may last short-term or long-term. In any circumstance, the involvement of sports injury rehabilitation is crucial as being recovered is essential for every sportsperson. Burnaby physiotherapists would like to share 5 stages of rehabilitating from a sports injury with physiotherapy expertise. If you are a passionate sportsperson in Burnaby, this might help.   1st Stage: Acute Stage   It is a common thing to feel excessive pain, redness, swelling, heat and inability of moving around the injured area. So it is important to protect and offload the injury within the recent few days after getting injured. It prevents the injured area from extra damage and fastens internal curing. Offloading helps to lower the weight placed towards the injury so keeping your injured area at rest helps to repair tissues after getting rid of dying tissues.      2nd Stage: Sub-Acute Stage   Within the first six weeks after the injury, damaged tissues around t