
Showing posts from April, 2021

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: What Do Physiotherapists Have To Say?

Carpal tunnel is a narrow path made of bone and ligaments through which the median nerve passes. The median nerve is how you feel things in your fingers except for the pinky finger. How do you first get to know that there might be a complication in this area is when you feel a slight tingle, pain or a mild numbness in your fingers and palm. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a result of this tunnel squeezing up and creating pressure on the median nerve. This will cause your wrist to swell and you will start to feel the initial symptoms. If the symptoms worsen surgery might be needed to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. However, if you are vigilant of the slightest symptoms it can be cured with proper medical advice from physiotherapists . At What Stage Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Do We Turn To Physiotherapists If you tend to feel weakness in your hands, a recurring numbness especially after you wake up from a nap or long sleep, a striking pain along with your thumb that spreads through the palm or

The History Of Cupping Therapy

China is well-known for its diverse approaches to medicine. Among these approaches, herbal medication, acupuncture, and diet therapy are quite prominent. At the same time, we have also seen an increased demand for cupping therapy, which is also another form of healing therapy originating from China. Therapeutic Treatment For Various illnesses The history of cupping therapy dates back to over a thousand years and was mostly used to extract pus and blood for medical purposes. Back then, they are said to have used cattle horns or bamboo that is thoroughly boiled or heated to create the cupping effect. As time passed, cupping therapy evolved to be a form of therapeutic treatment used to treat a broader spectrum of diseases and illnesses. Although there are numerous scripts pointing to the history of cupping therapy and its usages, the first archives were found in a book named Bo Shu. Years later, another historical writeup, Su Sen Liang Fang , pointed to how cupping therapy had been use

Rotator Cuff Tendonitis

Basics Of Rotator Cuff Tendonitis The rotator cuff is a name for the compilation of four tendons around the humeral head. Its purpose is to control and stabilize the movement of arms and shoulders during upper body activities.  Rotator cuff tendonitis occurs when the shoulder muscles and BURSA (a lubrication mechanism) get inflamed. Bursitis, often mistaken as a separate condition, is actually one of the symptoms of rotator cuff tendonitis.  The most commonly seen reason for the condition is repeated; for instance; window cleaning, car washing, throwing, raking, and other such activities that often require you to lift your arm over your head.  Other common causes include injuries, postural issues, and habits like sleeping on the shoulder for too long. Rotator cuff tendonitis is not a rare condition at all. Your shoulders have quite delicate muscles and bones in them. The rotator cuff is located in the middle of two bones that frequently rub against each other when you engage in a re