Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: What Do Physiotherapists Have To Say?

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel is a narrow path made of bone and ligaments through which the median nerve passes. The median nerve is how you feel things in your fingers except for the pinky finger. How do you first get to know that there might be a complication in this area is when you feel a slight tingle, pain or a mild numbness in your fingers and palm. Carpal tunnel syndrome is a result of this tunnel squeezing up and creating pressure on the median nerve. This will cause your wrist to swell and you will start to feel the initial symptoms. If the symptoms worsen surgery might be needed to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. However, if you are vigilant of the slightest symptoms it can be cured with proper medical advice from physiotherapists.

At What Stage Of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Do We Turn To Physiotherapists

If you tend to feel weakness in your hands, a recurring numbness especially after you wake up from a nap or long sleep, a striking pain along with your thumb that spreads through the palm or if you seem to be dropping stuff quite often, these are early symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome. At this point, it would seem best to contact a physiotherapy clinic in Burnaby.

Is A Wrist Brace What The Physiotherapist Ordered?

A wrist brace is more of a preventive measure than a cure. A common way of hurting the wrist is by bending it in your sleep. A bend to the wrong way can cause pressure on the median nerve. To prevent this from happening a wrist brace can be used. It will help keep the wrist straight and in a neutral position. Using a wrist brace according to a study conducted in 2021 is more effective to relieve symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, than using no preventive measures at all. A wrist brace while working if your work involves a lot of activities that put pressure on your wrist or motions that can trigger the said symptoms can help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome. However, once you remove the brace it is important to stretch and move your wrist freely. This will allow the muscles to loosen up.

Where Can You Get Wrist Braces In Burnaby?

A common wrist brace of many brands should be available at common drug stores around Burnaby. However, it would only be effective if the wrist brace is snug but not too tight. Occupational therapists connected to physiotherapy services can get wrist braces customized for your measurements. If the brace ends up being too tight that will also cause pressure to be applied on the median nerve. So always find the best fit.

Do Wrist Braces Really Help With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

If you are experiencing the initial symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, you will be encouraged to wear a wrist brace. Most users of wrist braces have said that there is a visible reduction of pain and numbness once they start to wear the wrist brace. However, it is always better to refer to physiotherapy treatments if there is no such reduction.

How Does Carpal Tunnel Syndrome React To Pain Relievers?

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Aspirin, Ibuprofen can help with the pain and swelling. However, this is also a short-term treatment similar to the wrist braces.

How To Stop Carpal Tunnel Syndrome From Getting Worse?

Avoid bending the wrist completely up or down, give the wrist a break from routine activities that are stress-causing to the median nerve, keep your hands warm, practice a more relaxed grip. If the pain and swelling remain it will be better to visit any Burnaby physiotherapy clinics.


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