The History Of Cupping Therapy

China is well-known for its diverse approaches to medicine. Among these approaches, herbal medication, acupuncture, and diet therapy are quite prominent. At the same time, we have also seen an increased demand for cupping therapy, which is also another form of healing therapy originating from China.

History Of Cupping Therapy

Therapeutic Treatment For Various illnesses

The history of cupping therapy dates back to over a thousand years and was mostly used to extract pus and blood for medical purposes. Back then, they are said to have used cattle horns or bamboo that is thoroughly boiled or heated to create the cupping effect. As time passed, cupping therapy evolved to be a form of therapeutic treatment used to treat a broader spectrum of diseases and illnesses. Although there are numerous scripts pointing to the history of cupping therapy and its usages, the first archives were found in a book named Bo Shu. Years later, another historical writeup, Su Sen Liang Fang, pointed to how cupping therapy had been used to treat venomous snake bites and chronic cough. Hence, cupping therapy is not a novel medical treatment.

Acupuncture and Cupping Therapy

With such a solid history, cupping therapy has now emerged as a primary form of medication in China. Together with the participation of industry giants, the effectiveness of cupping therapy has been researched and documented. Hence, starting from mainland China, the country has shown an increasingly growing demand for cupping therapy. 

So much so that acupuncture and cupping therapy are presumed to cure more than 50% of the ill in China. It is these developments put together with the history of cupping therapy that has motivated people to opt for this treatment. Especially with the trend of seeking creative therapy treatments, we have seen more and more people opting for this method of therapy. This is why we often see physiotherapists Burnaby offering cupping therapy at their clinics.

Cupping Therapy in Burnaby

BC However, despite having technologically innovative tools and equipment, very few physiotherapy clinics near Metrotown Burnaby are still dependent on the traditional techniques of cupping. We even see the use of cattle horns and bamboo, instead of the shiny suction cups conveniently available in the market. The cause of this is rumoured to be the popularity of cupping therapy in rural areas that have no access to modern western medicine. Hence, the likelihood of sticking to the traditional approaches. 

Having learned about the history of cupping therapy, do you now wonder how this actually works? In simple terms, cupping therapy manipulates the blood and Qi flow of the human body. By doing so, it opens up pores on the body surface, through which pathogenic factors like heat, wind, cold, and dampness are excreted. This brings about a significant relief to the human body, and thus, is considered to be one of the greatest forms of natural therapy treatments.

How is Cupping Therapy Done

Coming to the next important question - how is cupping therapy carried out in a physiotherapy clinic? It is actually quite simple and straightforward. They will start by laying your face down and coating your body in soothing oil. Afterward, the cups are strategically placed as learned through the history of cupping therapy. 

These cups will suck the flesh into them and create negative pressure. Some registered physiotherapists in Burnaby might even use the walking cups technique where the cups are moved along your body. Once the treatment is completed, you will feel relieved and relaxed, especially if you were suffering from any coughs and colds. 

Also worry not, the cupping marks are not uncomfortable or hurtful either. They will disappear on their own in a few days with no traces or scars. Therefore, now that you know of the history of cupping therapy and how it is carried out, do not postpone getting your cupping done.


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